python-snippet-for-beginners README
THIS EXT Is developed By teen age KINFE MICHAEL TARIKU if you guys want to support me
This Snippet help you on having a shortcut achieving the same that you was looking for
- @p -- Generate a Print Func
- @for -- Generate a for loop
- @df -- Generate a function
- @cl -- Generate a class
- @dict -- Generate a dictionary
- @ls -- Generate a list
- @set -- Generate a set collection data type
- @enum -- Generate a enumerator example for enumerating irritable
- @gen -- Generate a Generator which is like an irritable like tuples and list
- @tp -- Generate a tuples
- @lc -- Generate a list compression which is an elegant way of creating a list from already existed lits
- @ms -- Generate a multi string that most often use for inline documentation and also as comment
- @lb - Generate a lambda function
Note this are a simple version of upcoming approved version of Python code snippets!
You can get me over github for repo : link below !
Extension Settings
Include if your extension adds any VS Code settings through the contributes.configuration extension point.
For example:
This extension contributes the following settings:
myExtension.enable : enable/disable this extension
myExtension.thing : set to blah to do something
Sorry for Not having a release note!
Initial Release of Python code snippet!
For more getting me
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