JASON (Just Another Silly Output Notation) is a revolutionary new data format that replaces boring old brackets and braces with exciting new words like yeetson and jazzleberg! Who needs readability and convention when you can have JASON, our strong and glorious leader? With first class IDE support and growing adoption, start using JASON today!
Yeetsonified: Replaces boring old curly braces {} with exciting new <yeetson and yeetson> delimiters.
Jazzleberg-ified: Swaps out square brackets [] for stylish <jazzleberg and jazzleberg> tags!
Comma--free: Replaces commas , with superior pipes, because I wanna pipe Jason.
Readability: This code is so readable
Not JSON: This is definitely not just JSON and we are not using definitely under the hood.
JSON compatiable: but only one way. Turn your JSON into JASON so it works out of the box with JSON. However, it does not work the other way.