JC Unit test generator is a simple plugin that reads react files and generates jest unit test boilerplate files.
After installation, right-click on a folder, or on a .ts/.tsx file.
Click on the option "JC: Generate Unit Tests".
Enjoy your newly generated unit test.
Works on:
TS and TSX React Hooks
TS and TSX React Components
Folders that contain these types of files
(Important) Best Practices
This file must obey certain conventions in order for the generator to work:
File Name:
File name must be in kebab case (example: my-beautiful-component.tsx)
In order to generate a React Hook template, file name must start with 'use' (example: use-my-beautiful-hook.tsx)
Generator skips index files (index.ts, index.tsx, ...), style files (.styles. and .style. files'), and test files (.test. files, .spec. files, and any file inside __test__ or __spec__)
File Contents:
File must only contain 1 named export (excluding type exports, example: export const MyBeatifulComponent)
The generator automatically skips mocking SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE, tokens and icon imports, as it considers them to not require mocking.
Known Issues
Generating Unit Tests on Folders with more than 3 files will not display the vscode info/error message.