Full Documentation of JW Tags will be found at: https://dev.joonweb.com VSCode JW Lang
InstallationInstall through Visual Studio Code extensions. Search for [Visual Studio Code Market Place: JW Lang] DocumentationJW Lang is a Visual Studio Code extension that provides snippets, syntax highlighting, hover, and formatting for the JW file format. List of full supported Input/Rule Types: text will render input text for UI, and output the same textarea will render simple textarea email will render input type email number will render input type number datetime it will render datetime picker quickeditor it will render simple textarea with features like Bold, Italic, underline, alignment and color simpleEditor It is more advance than quickeditor and contains more features. hrefbutton It will output "button" setting/ui singlefile contains media input for uploading file for user. siteform contain default form sitegallery contains default gallery Code formatter/beautifier for JW filesUsing PrettyDiff, this extension implements the only working code formatter for JW files in VSCode. Generic Triggersdo {% do ... %} extends {% extends 'template' %} from {% from 'template' import 'macro' %} import {% import 'template' as name %} importself {% import _self as name %} inc, include {% include 'template' %} incp {% include 'template' with params %} inckv {% include 'template' with { key: value } %} use {% use 'template' %} autoescape {% autoescape 'type' %}...{% endautoescape %} block, blockb {% block name %} ... {% endblock %} blockf {{ block('...') }} embed {% embed "template" %}...{% endembed %} filter, filterb {% filter name %} ... {% endfilter %} macro {% macro name(params) %}...{% endmacro %} set, setb {% set var = value %} spaceless {% spaceless %}...{% endspaceless %} verbatim {% verbatim %}...{% endverbatim %} if, ifb {% if condition %} ... {% endif %} ife {% if condition %} ... {% else %} ... {% endif %} for {% for item in seq %} ... {% endfor %} fore {% for item in seq %} ... {% else %} ... {% endfor %} else {% else %} endif {% endif %} endfor {% endfor %} endset {% endset %} endblock {% endblock %} endfilter {% endfilter %} endautoescape {% endautoescape %} endembed {% endembed %} endfilter {% endfilter %} endmacro {% endmacro %} endspaceless {% endspaceless %} endverbatim {% endverbatim %} Last Update on 28th Feb 2023 |