Lambda DebugThis is a Visual Studio Code extension that allows for debugging of AWS Lambda python functions within the IDE. After a little bit of setup, debugging is as simple as the click of a button. SetupThere are a few settings you need to set before you start debugging. You can access these settings by going directly to your Format: {fullsettingname}{* == required} ({type} - {defaultValue}) lambdadebug.masterDirectory* (string - null):This is an absolute path to the directory that contains all of your services. Oftentimes, this is the folder that contains all your git repositories. For example, this could be: lambdadebug.workingDirectories* (list - []):This is a list of the services that are contained within your Master Directory. This must be the folder from which the service gets deployed. For instance, if you use Serverless Framework, this would be the folder that contains your lambdadebug.eventsDirectory (string - ""):This is a path to a directory of events. You can optionally create a folder structure within your events directory that is identical to your The structure of this folder may be like the following:
lambdadebug.pythonPath (string - "${PYTHONPATH}"):This is your PYTHONPATH environment variable. Usually, the default value of lambdadebug.awsStages (array - []):This is a list of your AWS stages OR an object containing lambdadebug.awsStage (string - "dev"):This is your AWS_STAGE environment variable. If you are running this in a stage that is not dev, it is import to change this. The simplest way to do so is by using the lambdadebug.awsProfile (string - "default"):This is your AWS_PROFILE environment variable. If you have multiple AWS profiles, it is important to set this. Otherwise, it will use the default AWS profile. lambdadebug.buttonText (string - "Debug Lambda"):Choose what text will be displayed on the button that you use to debug your lambdas. DebuggingTo debug, click the debug button on the right side of the Status Bar (only for python files). Your At this time, the |