Contao Code Snippets
three types of snippets are provided:
- function snippets for DCA callbacks
- DCA fields and field-Types
- a full DCA
To use functino snippets, just start writing the name of the callback type, ans select one from the provided list.
To use DCA fields, just start typing contao dca field
or cdf
To get a full sample DCA, type contao full dca
or cfd
1. function snippets
operation callbacks
- button_callback
- label_callback
listing callbacks
- child_record_callback
- paste_button_callback
- input_field_callback
- load_callback
- options_callback
- save_callback
config callbacks
- oncopy_callback
- oncut_callback
- ondelete_callback
- onload_callback
- onsubmit_callback
2. DCA fields and field-Types
simple fields
- Text
- Passwort
- Textarea
- Auswahlfeld (select)
- Clicklist (Select-Variante)
- Checkbox
- Radio-Button
- Tabelle mit Radio-Buttons (radioTable)
- Bildgröße (imageSize)
- Eingabefeld mit Einheit (inputUnit)
- Vier Eingabefelder mit Einheit (trbl)
- Tabelle für Dateirechte (chmod)
- Seitenbaum für eine Seite (pageTree)
- Seitenbaum für mehrere Seiten (pageTree)
- Dateibaum für eine Datei (fileTree)
- Dateibaum für mehrere Dateien (fileTree)
- Dateibaum für ein Verzeichnis (fileTree)
- Dateibaum für mehrere Verzeichnisse (fileTree)
- Tabelle (tableWizard)
- Liste (listWizard)
- Verwaltung von Optionen (optionWizard)
- Verwaltung von Modulen (moduleWizard)
- Sortierbare Checkbox-Liste (checkboxWizard)
special fields
field types
- Natürliche Zahl
- Zahl
- Datum
- Telefon
- E-Mail
- Postleitzahl
- Farbwähler
- Vier-Fach-Textfeld
- Land
- Mitgliederauswahl
- Templateauswahl
3. full DCA
To get a full sample DCA, type contao full dca
or cfd
Sample function code snippets for the following callbacks
these snippets provide function snippets for your callback classes
sampe: button_callback
* button_callback: Ermöglicht individuelle Navigationssymbole
* @param array $arrRow the current row
* @param string $href the url of the embedded link of the button
* @param string $label label text for the button
* @param string $title title value for the button
* @param string $icon url of the image for the button
* @param array $attributes additional attributes for the button (fetched from the array key "attributes" in the DCA)
* @param string $strTable the name of the current table
* @param $arrRootIds array of the ids of the selected "page mounts" (only in tree view)
* @param $arrChildRecordIds ids of the childs of the current record (only in tree view)
* @param boolean $blnCircularReference determines if this record has a circular reference (used to prevent pasting of an cutted item from an tree into any of it's childs).
* @param string $strPrevious id of the previous entry on the same parent/child level. Used for move up/down buttons. Not for root entries in tree view.
* @param string $strNext id of the next entry on the same parent/child level. Used for move up/down buttons. Not for root entries in tree view.
* @return var
public function myButtonCallback($arrRow, $href, $label, $title, $icon, $attributes, $strTable, $arrRootIds, $arrChildRecordIds, $blnCircularReference, $strPrevious, $strNext)
// do something
return '<a href="'.$this->addToUrl($href).'" title="'.specialchars($title).'"'.$attributes.'>'.\Image::getHtml($icon, $label).'</a> ';