VSCode RipGrep
This extension provides a full keyboard navigable, swiper-inspired ripgrep UI in VSCode.

Quick Start
You need to install ripgrep and optionally point the configuration
to the binary, if it's not accessible from PATH.
The entrypoint is commad "Ripgrep: find".
By default, it
- uses your text selection as the query if available; and
- starts a ripgrep search session under the current directory according to the current file opened, or fallback to project directory.
You can also bind a key to it like this
{ "key": "alt+f", "command": "ripgrep.find" },
Search Result Navigation
When some search results are generated, you can use ctrl+j
or ctrl+k
navigate through the results (mouse click also works!).
We also open up the file for you to preview the lines around the match.
When you are happy with the result, press enter
to stay on the file; otherwise
brings you back to where you started the search session.
Search Mode Change
You can change some search modes on the fly.
For search directory, you can use
(dir) to switch between current dir and workspace dir
(left) to change the directory to the parent
(right) to undo last alt+h
For ripgrep search options, you can use
(case) to toggle case match mode ("smart", "ignore" or "strict")
("smart" means "ignore" if all lower-case, and "strict" otherwise)
(regex) to toggle regex mode
(word) to toggle word match mode
You can specify optional arguments to the ripgrep.find
to control some default
behaviors on the init directory and init query text:
{ dirMode?: "doc" | "workspace"; withSelection?: boolean; }