If you are viewing this theme, I am glad that your here reading this. Currently this theme is under rapid development. If you check the changelog you will see lots of activity. I probably shouldn't have published it when I did, but its a done deal now, and for the most part, the theme is ready to use. I plan on posting an image for every language I custom highlight below. It is currently (2021-11-28) just to give you a time frame, if you do decide to view the CHANGELOG do view the CHANGELOG
Developer's Dojo is based on the theory that highlighting a documents syntax in such a way that is consistent across the entire theme, and with colors that work with each other, will greatly improve readability. To help explain my point, take a look at the image below. The image has 4 lines of code in it. What line, or lines, is the most readable to you?
HINT: This is an arbitrary exercise, no right or wrong answer exist
I asked this to as many people as I could, which unfortunately was not as many as I would of liked, but twitter did help. And all though the results are far from being 'real-science-quality' they do point at a trend. Most people felt that the last foobar
variable the most readable line of code, two people said that none of them were less or more readable, but that 4 was the most appealing to look at. A few people, including myself thought that the first string was the most readable. As I hinted in the start of the exercise, the results are arbitrary, if you like pink, and feel pink was more readable, then for you, that is true.
I interpreted the data as meaning, colors that or closer together on the color spectrum make for a more readable line of code, and I personally believe that this concept scales to the size of the entire document, so in-other-words; when a document is full of bright differentiating colors, the document is actually hindering readability more than it is helping it. A theme has more important purposes than readability — like being able to quickly scan a document for the parameter, or class-member you are working with (thats just one case many others exist) — but readability is what causes me problems when I work, as the longer the day goes the worst my eyesight gets, and I have better than 20/20, but I also spend 16-20 hours at a clip on the computer. Anyhow, if you look at the palette in the image above, you'll see that there is a range of colors, so its possible to separate the different syntaxes within a given programming/markup language, however the colors I choose flow, one into the next, and I even tried to make the groups meet.
C++ Example:
Makefile Example:
Markdown Example:
Markdown in Developer's Dojo is exceptionally awesome, when editing your markdown while
Dev Dojo is equipped, the md code in the editor will render in a way that is representative of
what the markdown will render like in the MD-Preview &/or Web-browser.
A good example of this is demonstrated in the Image Below:
When I was new to VS Code (3 years ago) I knew very little about it. In-fact I remember when I first tried using it, I thought, "There's not much to do than right a script, but I can't even run it...". I was certainly out of touch with contemporary development, and have grown by some major leaps since then.
Obviously, no mater what experience you have with VSCode, this theme can be used, however; for a long time now, I have wanted to create not just a theme, but a theme with a README.md document that goes above and beyond. A document that covers many different areas, and goes over the different configurations, and settings that can be implemented in VSCode. Anyways, this is the start of that. Includes in this extensions, is a theme that I have worked on for sometime now, its still young, but its coming along nicely. Also included is documentation on different configurations that can be included for setting up your development environment. As stated above, the theme is young, and is in rapid development, bare with me, as you'll see in the CHANGELOG, I have been adding updates almost daily.
V.S. Code Configuration Tips & Suggestions
- Setting Configured:
- Suggested:
- The VSCode property
editorRuler.foreground is theme setting that's set in the theme you have equipped (unless it's being overridden by a settings.json file).
- The VSCode Setting
editor.rulers places rulers that are highlighted using the color set by editorRuler.foreground .
- The Developer's Dojo theme implements the
editorRuler.foreground property at approx. 8% to 9% opacity, consequently; any editor that equips Developer's Dojo can configure some nifty rules inside of there "./.vscode/settings.json" file. The more rulers that are put on the same line, the more luminescent the ruler gets, take the snippet below for example. The snippet configures rulers to get steadily brighter as the get further away from the start of the line.
"editor.rulers": [20, 40, 40, 60, 60, 60, 60,
80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80]
- Settings 2 be Configured
- Suggested:
- I highly suggest, probably more than anything else, that if you are not using a programming font (a font specially designed for using programming languages), that you start using one like RN. There really isn't much reason not to, because the best ones are all 100% Free.
- The 3 top programming fonts IMO are as follows:
- Cascadia Code / Cascadia Mono
- JetBrains Mono
- Fira Code / Fira Mono
- Ill cover how to start using Cascadia Code here, since IMO, Cascadia Code is the best programming font ever developed. It's absolutely gorgeous. Best of all, It was developed by Microsoft, for Microsoft development environments. There are two links below for downloading Cascadia Code.
- First off Cascadia Code needs to be specially configured to use its most prominent features, therefore, I have included below the links to download the font
and the suggested configuration to use.
Cascadia Code Direct Download Link:
Cascadia Code Downloads Page:
Before you configure your editor, install Cascadia Code, then close all instances of VS Code that you currently have open. Once no VS Code has been completely closed, you can reopen the editor. FYI, "Developer: Reload Window" isn't enough to satisfy whatever it is that needs a reset.
Now open your user-scoped settings.json file (not the GUI settings menu, but the actual JSON file), and not the settings file in ./.vscode/settings.json , but the global settings.json file (or vscode refers to it as the user settings.json file).
Once in your user settings.json file, set the editors font-properties, like so:
!IMPORTANT: Aside from setting the font-family property correctly, the most important setting to get right is the editor.fontLigatures setting. This adds ligature support & activates the awesome cursive italics.
/* @file 'settings.json'
NOTE: If some of the properties show a warning check to
see if you created doubles of the same properties.
If you did, delete the old properties and use the
new. */
"editor.fontFamily": "'Cascadia Code', Consolas, monospace",
"editor.fontLigatures": "'ss01'",
"editor.fontSize": 12.5,
"editor.lineHeight": 21,
"editor.fontWeight": "400",
It use to be that the feature mentioned in this excerpt was available through extensions only, however; bracket-pair-highlighting is now a native VS Code feature. Adjusting your bracket-pair-highlighting configuration is not hard, but it can be more involved than many might think. There are a surprisingly large amount of settings that affect it, but this is good, because it allows you to create a highly-customized and pimp'd the f'out environment. Bracket-pair-highlighting is definitely analogous to a rapper and bling (its bling for your editor).
- Settings 2 be Configured
- Suggested:
- Below are the settings, and some configuration notes to help you set the your
bracket-pair-highlighting up in your dev environment. Remember, not only to the the editor.guides.bracketPairs settings affect what your doing, but the editor.guides.indentation settings also change the highlighting of the indent guides that can be turned on all the time, or just turned on for the line that your cursor is focused on.
editor.bracketPairColorization.enabled — Enables the BracketPair Highlighting Feature.
editor.guides.bracketPairs — Enables the multicolor scheme to highlight the indent guides. Its important to note that the indent-guides can take on colors from two different settings that are set in the theme you have equipped. The default color is the one set in the editorIndentGuide.activeBackground property. However, since the bracket-pair-highlighting feature released, your indent guides will take the editorBracketHighlight.foreground<#> 's color. In other words, you can set the indent guides to highlight using a monochromatic (single color) scheme, or a monochromatic scheme that's set by the same colors set for your bracket-pairs.
editor.guides.highlightActiveBracketPair — Colors Brackets at all times (see Cpp image, look at the braces & parenthesis).
editor.guides.highlightActiveIndentation — Highlights the active indent guide. If editor.guides.bracketPairs is turned off, it will take the value of the default indent guide color, which is set by the tokenColors property: editorIndentGuide.activeBackground , and in this theme it is set to: #2bb444
editor.guides.indentation —
// Your settings.json file
"editor.bracketPairColorization.enabled": true,
"editor.guides.bracketPairs": "active",
"editor.guides.highlightActiveBracketPair": true,
"editor.guides.highlightActiveIndentation": true,
"editor.guides.indentation": false
- Below are the
tokenColor properties that affect the editor features configured by the settings covered in the Bracket-pair Highlighting Configuration suggestion above. The properties values are set to the same values as what they are set to in the Developer's Dojo, theme.
- The block below is formatted to be configurable in any VS-Code
settings.json file, either your user settings.json file, your WSL settings.json file, or your workspace .../.vscode/settings.json file. Simply Copy & Paste.
"editor.tokenColorCustomizations": {
"editorIndentGuide.background": "#000A20",
"editorIndentGuide.activeBackground": "#2bb444",
"editorBracketHighlight.foreground1": "#00ccb0",
"editorBracketHighlight.foreground2": "#14b4ff",
"editorBracketHighlight.foreground3": "#aa7cff",
"editorBracketHighlight.foreground4": "#00ccb0",
"editorBracketHighlight.foreground5": "#14b4ff",
"editorBracketHighlight.foreground6": "#aa7cff",
"Personally I prefer the following to not be colored, but we all
have our preferences, which is why I am showing you this"
//"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground1": "#00000000",
//"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground2": "#00000000",
//"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground3": "#00000000",
//"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground4": "#00000000",
//"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground5": "#00000000",
//"editorBracketPairGuide.activeBackground6": "#00000000",
//"editorBracketPairGuide.background1": "#00000000",
//"editorBracketPairGuide.background2": "#00000000",
//"editorBracketPairGuide.background3": "#00000000",
//"editorBracketPairGuide.background4": "#00000000",
//"editorBracketPairGuide.background5": "#00000000",
//"editorBracketPairGuide.background6": "#00000000",
| |