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Extension ui5-18n-helper
This extension help with the translation in OpenUI5 or SAPUI5 applications. Extensions searches on view and souce code of project for translations tokens and automatically update the translation file.
It was based on the gulp plugin gulp-i18n-ui5 .
Open the command bar (CTRL+SHIFT+P) and choose one of the commands
UI5 I18N> Verify I18N Tokens in entire Project - This command search all code for Tokens to Add/Activate/Deactivate
UI5 I18N> Verify I18N Tokens on focused Editor - This command search only the file of focused Editor for Tokens to Add/Activate
Extension Config
default: "src/i18n/i18n.properties"
Default translation text for new tokens, if empty default translation will be the token
default: ""
Glob pattern to search files
Pattern for *.HTML and *.XML files
"(?:nGetText)\\([\"'](https://github.com/ibnbr/ui5-i18n-helper/blob/HEAD/[^\"']+)[\"'], *[\"'](https://github.com/ibnbr/ui5-i18n-helper/blob/HEAD/[^\"']+)[\"']"
Ignore Tokens in commented Source
Option to delete token instead of deactivate
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