Show the functions that are covered by unit tests by highlighting the function in the source code with a green background
it-list-toolbox.go-to-unit-test: Jump to the source code. Have the cursor on the function name and open the command palette and search for "go to unit test", alternatively assign a keybord shortcut to this command
it-list-toolbox.create-component: Create a component with the name under the cursor. We want to enforce having only one component per folder and this is useful to create a subcomponent inside a subfolder. If you execute this component while your cursor is over MyComponent, it will create MyComponent/MyComponent.tsx with the boilerplate code for that component.
In a ts project, your test files must have the extension .test.ts and be inside the same folder as the implementation or a parent folder.
The test file must contain describe('nameOfTheFunction') in order to be recognized as the test for the function