DevelopmentFor detailed explanation, how to build project, go this link: Iolite Languages and Solidity support for Visual Studio code, this extension providesIolite ecosystem, provides all facilities to complete smart contract test and deployment, without leaving Visual Studio Code IDE
Solidity is the language used in Ethereum Technology to create smart contracts
Default project structureA default project / library dependency structure is supported as follows: Libraries will have the same name as their folder they are included. Solidity files will be in the 'src' folder. Libraries will be included in the 'lib' folder. Currently there is no name conflicting resolution, so the first library found matching a name, will be the first one used. Code completionJust press Ctlr + Space or Command + Space to autocomplete statements, currently supported all the storage variables, functions and events (with snippets) included in the current document and every document in the import chain. Also supported all the global variables, global functions, types and units. Auto compilation and error highlightingAuto compilation of files and error highlighting can be enabled or disabled using user settings. Also a default delay is implemented for all the validations (compilation and linting) as solidity compilation can be slow when you have many dependencies.
LintingSolhintTo lint Solidity code you can use the Solhint linter, the linter can be configured it using the following user settings:
This extension supports SoliumSolium is the default linter of supported by the extension, you can configure it using the following user settings:
soliumrc.json support will be included in the near future, for specific project linting requirements. Wallet ActionsPlugin also supports actions that require embedded wallet. Wallet private key is encrypted and you must supply password for encryption/decryption. First time in Visual Studio session when you want use action, that require wallet, you will be prompted for password. If it's your first such action you will be prompted to enter new password Get BalanceYou may request current balance of your wallet Deploying contractYou may deploy contract to Ethereum blockchain, using your wallet. Your contract must be already compiled and you must have some ether to do that. Calling a methodYou may call a method of already deployed contracts. |