Extension AlgoritmHelper
It may halp you with wrting algorithms
Sorting algorithms
- bubbleSort - basic bubble sort implementation
- insertionSort - basic insertion sort implementation
- selectionSort - basic selection sort implementation
- quickSort - basic quick sort implementation
Node and angular
- nodeBasic - basic node server template
- nodeSql - basic node server template with sql
- nodeSendJson - for sending json as response
- nodeGetParams - for getting parameters from request
- fetchJson - send request to node server from Typescript and get JSON response
- routingPath - config of routing and paths in Angular
- nestedRouting - example of nested routing
- routingParams - how to use params with routes
- activatedRoute - how to get params from activatedRoute in component
- angularForms - example of Angular forms
Other algorithms
- primesGenerator - prime numbers generator (The Sieve of Eratosthenes)
- primeFactorization - prime factorization of number
- isPrime - check if number is prime
- fibonacci - get n-th fibonacci number
- fibonacciArray - get array of fibonacci numbers
- gcd - greatest common divisor
- lcm - least common multiple
- coprime - check if two numbers are coprime
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