Background |
@bg |
Inserts a Background component with an image. |
Button |
@btn |
Inserts a Button component. |
Icon Button |
@ibtn |
Inserts an IconButton component. |
Text Input |
@input |
Inserts a TextInput component. |
Select |
@select |
Inserts a Select component with predefined options. |
Checkbox |
@checkbox |
Inserts a Checkbox component. |
Radio Button |
@radio |
Inserts a RadioButton component. |
Toggle Button |
@toggle |
Inserts a ToggleButton component. |
Modal |
@modal |
Inserts a Modal component with action buttons. |
Card |
@card |
Inserts a Card component with headline, image, and description. |
Table |
@table |
Inserts a Table component with columns and rows. |
Accordion |
@accordion |
Inserts an Accordion with multiple items. |
Breadcrumbs |
@breadcrumbs |
Inserts a Breadcrumbs component with items. |
Loader |
@loader |
Inserts a Loader component with progress. |
Tag |
@tag |
Inserts a Tag component with a label and color. |
Stepper |
@stepper |
Inserts a Stepper component with steps. |
Alert |
@alert |
Inserts an Alert component with actions. |
Avatar |
@avatar |
Inserts an Avatar component with an image. |
Badge |
@badge |
Inserts a Badge component with a counter. |
Bottom Navigation |
@bottomnav |
Inserts a BottomNavigation component with items. |
Bottom Sheet |
@bottomsheet |
Inserts a BottomSheet component with actions. |
Carrousel |
@carrousel |
Inserts a Carrousel component with images. |
Counter |
@counter |
Inserts a Counter component with min/max values. |
Currency Input |
@currency |
Inserts a CurrencyInput component with currency symbol. |
Date Input |
@dateinput |
Inserts a DateInput component with date range. |
Divider |
@divider |
Inserts a Divider component with a label. |
Drawer |
@drawer |
Inserts a Drawer component with content and actions. |
Empty State |
@emptystate |
Inserts an EmptyState component with actions. |
File Input |
@fileinput |
Inserts a FileInput component with helper text. |
Filter Panel |
@filterpanel |
Inserts a FilterPanel component with actions. |
Flex |
@flex |
Inserts a Flex container with customizable layout. |
Grid |
@grid |
Inserts a Grid component with responsive columns. |
Headline |
@headline |
Inserts a Headline component with title and subtitle. |
Help Text |
@helptext |
Inserts a HelpText component with a message. |
Icon |
@icon |
Inserts an Icon component with size and variant. |
Image |
@image |
Inserts an Image component with an alt description. |
Image Upload |
@imageupload |
Inserts an ImageUpload component with preview. |
Item List |
@itemlist |
Inserts an ItemList component with items. |
Layout |
@layout |
Inserts a Layout component with header and footer. |
Link |
@link |
Inserts a Link component with an icon. |
Menu |
@menu |
Inserts a Menu component with items and actions. |
Multi-Select |
@multiselect |
Inserts a MultiSelect component with options. |
Navbar |
@navbar |
Inserts a Navbar component with user information. |
Notification |
@notification |
Inserts a Notification snippet to add a notification. |