This theme is currently maintained in IOLOII.Oh-Theme. Please download and install the latest version from the plugin store. Thank you very much for your love of this theme-plugin🙏
点击设置图标或者在修改主题,在主题选择面板中选中"Oh! Use This Theme! Yes! Yes! Yes!"
Here is Google Translate:
:lemon: Designed this theme according to my hobbies
:lemon: At first, it was because a local dark theme was good-looking, but I found that some of the grammar was not very effective during use, so I figured it out and copied one.
:lemon: It's only the first time to use this feature, and it may be maintained in the future. For personal use, the themes and settings are my own favorites. Welcome to download and try
:lemon: About how to install: If you see this repository on github, then it is recommended that you go back and search for "IOLOII-VSCODE-THEME" in the vscode plug-in store to download and install, because I have not prepared the documentation on how to install it through the github repository.
How to use:
Click on the settings icon or modify the theme and select it in the theme selection panel "Oh! Use This Theme! Yes! Yes! Yes!"
This is a set of development configuration that I use myself, if you feel good-looking, welcome to try!