Create, edit and visualize business processes (BPMN), decisions (DMN) and test scenarios (SceSim).
- Create and edit BPMN (*.bpmn) and BPMN2 (*.bpmn2) files.
- Create and edit DMN 1.1 and DMN 1.2 (*.dmn) files using DMN Editor (classic).
- Create and edit DMN 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, and 1.5 (*.dmn) files using the DMN Editor.
- Create and edit SceSim (*.scesim) files with the Test Scenario Editor.
- Native keyboard shortcuts (Press
shift+/ to display available combinations).
- Export diagram to SVG (use the SVG icon on the top-right corner).
Editing a new BPMN file

Editing a new DMN file

Editing a new DMN file (classic)

Setting |
Description |
Default value |
kogito.bpmn.runOnSave |
Execute a command on each save operation of the BPMN file |
empty |
kogito.bpmn.svgFilenameTemplate |
Filename template to be used when generating SVG files |
${fileBasenameNoExtension}-svg.svg |
kogito.bpmn.svgFilePath |
Where to save generated SVG files |
${fileDirname} |
kogito.dmn.runOnSave |
Execute a command on each save operation of the DMN file |
empty |
kogito.dmn.svgFilenameTemplate |
Filename template to be used when generating SVG files |
${fileBasenameNoExtension}-svg.svg |
kogito.dmn.svgFilePath |
Where to save generated SVG files |
${fileDirname} |
The kogito.*.svgFilenameTemplate and kogito.*.svgFilePath settings accept the following variables as tokens:
Variable |
Example |
${workspaceFolder} |
/home/your-username/your-project |
${fileDirname} |
/home/your-username/your-project/folder |
${fileExtname} |
.ext |
${fileBasename} |
file.ext |
${fileBasenameNoExtension} |
file |
| |