XCode Flutter Color DebuggingThis extension adds support for allowing ANSI escape sequences from a Flutter application, running/debugging within the VSCode debug environment, when the execution of the Flutter application is done via XCode. XCode normally strips all ESC sequences from print()/debugPrint() messages, and additionally truncates any messages where ESC sequences are found, which makes using ANSI styled output from within XCode impossible. Features
This extension allows you to enjoy the power of colorized and styled printing from your Flutter app running or debugged from within VSCode via XCode. RequirementsThe Dart/Flutter ChalkDart package is required to output the expected ANSI escape sequences which this extension expects.
The only additional code that needs to be added is setting Once that is done ChalkDart will output the properly encoded escape sequences and this VSCode extension will automatically convert the encoded escape sequences back to standard ANSI sequences for the VSCode debug console to interpret. Full example:
You will find the complete range of all the possible stylings available using Chalk Dart within the documentation for Dart/Flutter ChalkDart package at https://pub.dev/packages/chalkdart I have been meaning to create this extension for several years, since I added the PR to VSCode to completely support the entire set of ANSI styling ESC sequences. Sorry it took so long! 😆 :laughing: DetailsThis extension only activates itself on the Mac OSX platform and does absolutely nothing on any other platforms. This extension looks for the string Release NotesUsers appreciate release notes as you update your extension. 1.0.0 - 1.0.7Initial releases of XCode Flutter Color Debugging - Identical source, only differences in package.json and README |