Install Yeoman and the VS Code Extension Generator:
npm install -g yo generator-code
Generate a new extension:
yo code
Clone this repository or copy the necessary files into your new extension directory.
Install dependencies and compile the extension:
npm install
npm run compile
Open a text file in VS Code.
Select a text in the format path/to/file:lineNumber.
Use the command Open File At Line to open the file and jump to the specified line number.
You can bind this command to a shortcut like Ctrl+Click for quick access.
If you have a text like nvas.statistics.part79:46630 in your file, select it and execute the Open File At Line command. The extension will open ./nvas.statistics.part79 and jump to line 46630.
Running the extension
Open the extension project in VS Code.
Press F5 to open a new VS Code window with the extension loaded.
Test the extension by selecting text in the specified format and using the command.
Feel free to fork this repository and submit pull requests. For any issues or feature requests, please open an issue on GitHub.