A Visual Studio Code extension for Flutter developers that lets you quickly wrap widgets with common Flutter widgets like Stack, Expanded, Flexible, ColoredBox, Align, and ConstrainedBox. Simplify your workflow and enhance productivity with a seamless code actions menu integration.
Launch VS Code Quick Open (Ctrl+P), paste the following command, and press enter.
Wrap with common Flutter widgets: Simplify your workflow by quickly wrapping widgets with frequently used Flutter widgets such as:
Code Actions Integration: Use the ⌘ + . (Mac) or Ctrl + . (Windows/Linux) shortcut to access the wrapper menu directly in the code actions menu.
Quick Pick Menu: Easily access all available wrap options through a quick pick menu (command palette).
Default Configurations: Each widget comes with sensible default values (e.g., Align defaults to Alignment.center, ColoredBox defaults to Colors.blue).
How to Use
Place your cursor inside a Flutter widget in your code.
Press ⌘ + . (Mac) or Ctrl + . (Windows/Linux) to open the code actions menu.
Select “Flutter Widget Wrapper” from the menu.
Choose the desired widget to wrap with from the presented list.
Tips for Using ⌘ + . (Mac) or Ctrl + . (Windows/Linux)
To Remove a Widget:
After pressing ⌘ + . or Ctrl + ., you can quickly jump to the “Remove Widget” action by typing R.
To Wrap with a Widget:
Similarly, you can quickly jump to the “Wrap with Widget” options by typing W after opening the code actions menu.
This functionality is provided by the official Flutter Extension, not by this extension.
However, it can be used seamlessly alongside this extension to improve your workflow.