ctrl+alt+] Annotate functions and classes by block. Need package.json to generate code modification information
ctrl+alt+d Multi-line comments
ctrl+alt+t Generate file details notes You need to define author, license, repository words in package.json段
Style Example
* AUTHOR ---
* LASTMODIFY --- 2020-06-29T16:09:03.764Z
* DESCRIPTION --- A tool collection for js/ts development
* REPOSITORY --- https://github.com/sewerganger/vscode-extension-bana
* AUTHOR ---
* LASTMODIFY --- 2020-06-29T16:09:11.841Z
* BLOCK --- Block
/*─────────────────────────────────────────── BLOCK ─── END ─────*/
* test
* test
* test
ctrl+alt+[ Print variables or parameters. Temporarily store parameters for the first time, move the cursor to a suitable position, and press again to release it