Salesforce Code Snippets
It includes code snippets for Apex and LWC (HTML, Javascript, graphQuery, CSS, and XML).
- tpi: template lwc:if
- tpf: template lwc:elseif
- tpe: template lwc:else
- tpf: template if:false
- fore: template for:each
- itr: template Iterator:it
- lgin: lightning-input
- lgic: lighting-icon
- lgbb: lightning-button with brand variant
- lgbo: lightning-button with brand-outline variant
- spin: Lightning spinner with template if true
- sldstable: HTML table with slds selector including one th and td tag.
- lgcard: Lightning card with custom title
- paginator: Generate code for pagination.
- grid: SLDS grid.
- gridcenter: SLDS grid with center align.
- gridspace: SLDS grid with space align.
- gridspread: SLDS grid with spread align.
- gridend: SLDS grid with end align.
- bumpleft: SLDS bump left.
- bumpright: SLDS bump right.
- aligncenter: SLDS align absolute center.
- sldsmodal: SLDS Modal.
LWC (Javascript)
- con: class constructor
- clg: console.log()
- cle: console.error()
- clc: console.clear()
- func: method()
- edc: export default class()
- wrmt: wire method
- cmt: method comments
- clt: class comments
- toast: showToast method
- dce: dispatch custom event
- imap: import apex
- imcl: import custom label
- imsr: import static resource
- imob: import sObject
- imcr: import create record
- imur: import update record
- imdr: import delete record
- imst: import showToastEvent
- imld: import loadStyle and loadScript
- impv: import getPicklistValues
- imgq: import gql, graphql, refreshGraphQL
- imra: import refreshApex
- imna: import Navigation
- imf: import file
- qsl: query selector using data id
- nvur: navigate to url method
- paginator: Generate code for pagination.
- arrow: Creates named arrow method.
- etv:
- etc:
- etd:
- jst: JSON.stringify()
- jsp: JSON.parse()
- jspt: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify())
- getrec: LDS get record.
- create: LDS create record.
- update: LDS update record.
- delete: LDS delete record.
- tcf: try catch and finally block.
- pick: getPicklistValues wire handler.
- gqy: Sample graph query.
- btnbrand: Changes the lightning button color.
- icnutl: Changes the lightning icon color.
- fds: field set selectors
- brc: brand color
- tgts: targets
- dgts: design attributes to use in the app builder
- pvm: public void method
- psm: public string method
- pim: public integer method
- plm: public object[] method
- psem: public set method
- pmm: public Map method
- arm: Aura Enabled method
- armc: Aura enabled method with cacheable true
- arp: Aura enabled property
- syd: System.debug()
- cmt: method level comment
- clt: class level comments
- batch: Apex batch class skeleton
- singleEmail: single email message
- saveResult: Save result with database.dml type along with success and failed result
- req: Http request callout
- soql: SOQL statement
- lgtout: lightning out code to call aura or lwc on vf
Gurjit Singh
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