GrayJack ThemesMy collection of themes based on classic/famous themes. For now only themes based on Ariake, Monokai, Nord, OneDark and Tokyo Night Monokai GrayJackMonokai GrayJack (Pastel)Monokai GrayJack (Solarized)OneDark GrayJackAriake GrayJackTokyo Night GrayJackNord GrayJackCustomizationDidn't like something the way I did? You can easily change the configuration in your JSON configuration file Workbench example
You can find a list of all thing you can change in the workbench here TextMate Scope Color and Styling
Semantic Tokens Color and Styling
The rules follow the pattern: You can find the Semantic Tokens and for TextMate Scope of a part of your code
with the VS Code command For more about theme customization: More on TextMate Scopes Highlight: More on Semantic Highlight: |