This extension allows you to edit and debug any LISP & DCL programs files with ARES Commander 2024 x64 and any other ARES verticals[ARES Mechanical, ARES Maps, etc.] & OEM Applications.
Recent Updates
See the for recently added new features.
Features of LISP & DCL Editor are:
1. Syntax highlighting
2. Snippet completion
3. Smart bracket
4. Comment toggling
5. Autocomplete
6. Go-To-Definition
7. Localization
8. LISP Protection
9. Add and Update the header
10. Insert region
11. Online help
12. Load the current LISP file
Features of LISP & DCL Debugger are:
1. Attach with ARES application
2. Breakpoints
3. Step in/out/over
4. Showcase the variable's value
5. Debug Console
6. Activate executable on input
Platform Support
Windows Mac Linux
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CAD Application Settings
Start a CAD application and enable debugging
Open the "Options" dialog box
Select System Options -> LispDebugger and check "Enable Debugging".
Close the application to save the settings and launch it again.
Launch Configuration
Need to specify the path of the executable file in Graebert GmbH FLISP Extension settings.
Extension Settings -> Flisp > Debug : Launch Program
Click on Run -> Add Configuration and select "FLISP Debug: Launch".
Attach Configuartion
Start executable file [ ARESC.exe or Any other Graebert GmbH OEM application].
Click on Run -> Add Configuration and select "FLISP Debug: Attach".
[NOTE: If you are creating a new workspace then it automatically adds the Configurations for both Launch and Attach.]
How to debug :
Open any LISP file or write one & save it with .lsp / .dcl extension.
Click on the Left panel button "Run & Debug" and select "FLISP Debug: Launch" / "FLISP Debug: Attach" any configuration.
Click on Run-> Start Debugging or F5 to start debugging.
[NOTE: make sure the current file on VSCode should be ".lsp" & ".dcl" for automatic loading of the lisp file.]
If you selected the "FLISP Debug: Launch" configuration then on debugging start it will launch the specified executable first.
Using the LISP command now you can debug your LISP file and use all features.
Known Issues
Not applicable.
New LISP extension "Graebert FLISP Extension".
Create Smart brackets and text files with all Lisp keywords, functions, or constants.
Automation feature and add Snippets.
Add some commands to Context Menu like Go-To-Definition, Insert Region, Add and Update Header Text, and Load Current LISP File.