React Component Generator
Create completely different components for each project using workspace settings in just a few clicks
Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following settings
Name |
Description |
Default value |
createReactComponent.index.snippet |
Specifies content of the created index file. |
index |
createReactComponent.tsx.snippet |
Specifies content of the created tsx file. |
tsx |
createReactComponent.styles.snippet |
Specifies content of the created styles file. |
styles |
createReactComponent.styles.enabled |
Specifies whether to create a styles file |
true |
createReactComponent.index.enabled |
Specifies whether to create an index file |
true |
createReactComponent.styles.extension |
Specifies extension of the styles file |
module.css |
Index file default snippet
export * from './${name:kebab}';
Tsx file default snippet
import React from 'react';
import styles from './${name:kebab}.${ext:style}';
export type ${name:pascal}Props = {};
export const ${name:pascal} = ({}: ${name:pascal}Props) = {
return <div> className={styles.root}${name:pascal}</div>;
Styles file default snippet
.root {}
You can use the following variables in your content snippets
Name |
Description |
Example |
${name:pascal} |
Name of the component you provided in PascalCase |
MyAwesomeComponent |
${name:kebab} |
Name of the component you provided in kebab-case |
my-awesome-component |
${ext:style} |
Extension of the styles file |
module.css |
| |