Shadow Script - VS Code ThemeShadow Script is a dark theme for Visual Studio Code, meticulously crafted by a single developer to offer a soothing and consistent coding environment. With muted colors and subtle contrasts, this theme aims to reduce eye strain during long coding sessions while providing an aesthetic appeal. Features
LicenseShadow Script is licensed under the MIT License. You are free to use, modify, and distribute this theme for both personal and commercial purposes, with attribution to the original author. ContributionThis theme is a result of the dedication and passion of a single developer. While contributions from the community are always welcome, the core design and development are primarily maintained by the original creator. If you wish to contribute, feel free to submit suggestions or bug fixes through GitHub issues. GitHub RepositoryFor more details, updates, and contributions, visit the GitHub repository: GitHub - Gourav830 Enjoy coding with the meticulously crafted Shadow Script theme! |