Ever wanted to show your friends how fast you can code up a project, or how fast you can solve a coding challenge?
Well, now you can!
With Speedrun Timer, you can time yourself and show your friends who's boss!
Click the Start button on the status bar, use the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+S by default), or use the command palette to start the timer.
Code away!
Click the Xhr Ym Zs button on the status bar, use the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+S by default), or use the command palette to stop the timer.
Check your speedrun time in the Speedrun Timer side panel!
Start and stop the timer on the status bar below.
You can start/stop the timer either by clicking the buttons or by using the keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+S by default).
Save your speedrun to the Speedrun Timer side panel.
Add a cool name to your speedrun.
Check your time, date, and name of your speedrun.
Delete previous speedruns from the log.
Future Work
[X] Add number of characters written to the log.
[X] Add characters per minute to the log.
[X] Add number of words written to the log.
[X] Add words per minute to the log.
[ ] Enable user to change the name of the speedrun.