An extension for Reaper's ReaScript API methods in VS Code.
Provides Intellisense/Autocomplete, and doc-comments on hover for all functions.
Initial version
0.0.2 (1/6/2021)
Added scraper and parser to grab docs from Ultraschall ReaScript API, and process the important stringified fields into JSON
As a byproduct of using Ultraschall as a docs source, the extension now has:
SWS methods
JS methods
Better descriptions
Comments about parameter and returns values on many functions
Updated formatting on the doc blocks, so that it looks much nicer. Important things are bolded, items are logically spaced, markdown used instead of plain text, etc
Intellisense/Autocomplete now works without having to prefix the method with "reaper." and "gfx." (still need to make this a toggleable option)
NOTE: A big thank-you to Meo-Mespotine for writing/maintaining the Ultraschall docs, and also Extremeraym for his Node function that sanitizes the XML format so that it's properly parseable.
0.0.3 (1/10/21)
Fixed issue where autocomplete was case-sensitive if trying to autocomplete a method preceeding a dot, IE "getmedia" expected to trigger "reaper.GetMedia** but didn't
0.0.4 (1/18/21)
Added syntax highlighting for Eel/Jesusonic/WALTER (all credit to Breeder's TextMate grammar file, see copyright notice in repo)
Added intellisense/autocomplete for Eel/Jesusonic
Method signatures now show the return types. IE, when pressing ( to invoke reaper.AddMediaItemToTrack, it shows MediaItem tr = reaper.AddMediaItemToTrack()
Large internal refactor for the shape of the JSON document used to store ReaScript functions. Better parser in Lua using Ultraschall API methods for USDocML to generate this.
0.0.5 (1/18/21)
Fixed bug with signature completion
Refactored providers to classes by feature, in individual folders, implementing the provider API for that feature:
// In "src/providers/eel/completion.ts"
class EelCompletionItemProvider implements vscode.CompletionItemProvider {}