JsonSki VSCode Extension
JSONSki is a streaming JSONPath processor with fast-forward functionality. During the streaming, it can automatically fast-forward over certain JSON substructures that are irrelavent to the query evaluation, without parsing them in detail. To make the fast-forward efficient, JSONSki features a highly bit-parallel solution that intensively utilizes bitwise and SIMD operations that are prevelent on modern CPUs to implement the fast-forward APIs.
How to use
Open a JSON file in the active Editor and Type JSONSKI.
Open the Input box (CMD + SHIFT + P) on your VSCode editor.
Choose between creating a boiler Plate and Querying JSON.
Enter the JSONSki Query
Find your results in results.json
Queries supported by JSONSki
JSONPath is the basic query language of JSON data. It refers to substructures of JSON data in a similar way as XPath queries are used for XML data. For the details of JSONPath syntax, please refer to Stefan Goessner's article.
Supported Operators (to be updated)
Operator |
Description |
$ |
root object |
. |
child object |
[] |
child array |
* |
wildcard, all objects or array members |
[index] |
array index |
[start:end] |
array slice operator |
Path Examples
Consider a piece of geo-referenced tweet in JSON
"coordinates": [
40.74118764, -73.9998279
"user": {
"id": 6253282
"place": {
"name": "Manhattan",
"bounding_box": {
"type": "Ploygon",
"pos": [
[-74.026675, 40.683935],
JsonPath |
Result |
$.coordinates[*] |
all coordinates |
$.place.name |
place name |
$.place.bounding_box.pos[0] |
first position of the bounding box in place |
$.place.bounding_box.pos[0:2] |
first two positions of the bounding box in place |
Hardware requirements
CPUs: 64-bit ALU instructions, 256-bit SIMD instruction set, and the carry-less multiplication instruction (pclmulqdq)
Operating System: Linux, MacOs (Intel Chips only)
C++ Compiler: g++ (7.4.0 or higher)
Software requirements
Before using the JSONSki VSCode Extension you need to assure you have the following prerequisites: