Enhance your UI experience by applying a blur effect to the menu with this extension.
Usage Instructions
Installation Steps
Activate the command palette using Ctrl + Shift + P.
Type "Blur Menu - Enable Blur" and select it.
Input the desired blur level (16 is recommended).
(Optional) Enable animations in VSCode
Restart Visual Studio Code to apply changes.
Navigate to settings.json in VS Code.
Incorporate the following transparency settings for your theme:
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"menu.background": "#2e333b70", //context menu
"menu.selectionBackground": "#4247509a", //context menu hover
"editorWidget.background": "#51586320", //widget and tooltip
"quickInput.background": "#2e333b00", //command center drop down menu
"notifications.background": "#29303bd7", //Notification background color.
Tip: The above configuration is tailored for the Dreamweaver Dark Theme you can setup color for your theme as you like.
Removal Process
Open the command palette with Ctrl + Shift + P.
Search and execute "Blur Menu - Disable & Restore setting".