Fiscal Ox is a Visual Studio Code extension designed to facilitate interaction with the Fiscal Ox Services, allowing users to manage file data and reports directly within their development environment.
To install the Fiscal Ox extension:
Open Visual Studio Code.
Go to the Extensions view by clicking on the square icon in the Sidebar or pressing Ctrl+Shift+X.
Search for "Fiscal Ox".
Click Install next to the "Fiscal Ox" extension.
Once installed, find it in the Installed extensions section of the Extensions view.
Getting Started
Before using the extension, you need to login to the Fiscal Ox API. Follow these steps:
Open Visual Studio Code.
Navigate to the command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P or Cmd+Shift+P on macOS).
Type "Fiscal Ox" and select "Fiscal Ox: Login".
Enter your credentials when prompted and press Enter.
Once logged in, you can run the extension:
Open a new or existing HTML file.
Use the command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P or Cmd+Shift+P on macOS) and type "Fiscal Ox" to see available commands.
Choose commands like "Fiscal Ox: Pull Files", "Fiscal Ox: Push One File", "Fiscal Ox: Delete File", or "Fiscal Ox: Logout" to interact with the API.
Also, pressing 'ctrl+s' will enable Push One File feature through keyboard input.
"Fiscal Ox: Create App" will automatically create an app from the given data which can be directly installed in the API.
Login to Fiscal Ox: Authenticate with the Fiscal Ox API using your credentials.
Pull Files from Fiscal Ox: Automatically retrieve files from the Fiscal Ox API when saving an HTML file.
Push One File to Fiscal Ox: Upload the content of the current HTML file to the Fiscal Ox API.
Delete File from Fiscal Ox: Automatically delete file from the Fiscal Ox API.
App Create: Create an app on the API which can be installed and used..
Logout from Fiscal Ox: Terminate the session with the Fiscal Ox API.
Components Used
vscode: Visual Studio Code API for extension development.
axios: HTTP client for making requests to the Fiscal Ox Services.
cheerio: Library for parsing HTML content.
sanitize-filename: Library for sanitizing filenames.
Why Use It
Fiscal Ox extension simplifies file data and report management by seamlessly integrating Visual Studio Code with the Fiscal Ox Services.
If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please write an email to
Release Notes
1.0.0: Initial release of Fiscal Ox extension.
1.1.0: Updates in Push-pull Operations. New Delete Operation Available.
1.1.1: Minor error in Push Operation fixed.
1.2.0: App Creation made available.
1.2.1: Errors in App Creation Fixed.
1.2.2: Updates in Pull and Push Operations.
1.2.3: Updates in Endpoints.
1.2.4: Update in Delete Operation for pages and Directory Updates for MacOs.
Working with Markdown
You can author your README using Visual Studio Code. Here are some useful editor keyboard shortcuts:
Split the editor (Ctrl+\ on Windows and Linux or Cmd+\ on macOS)
Toggle preview (Ctrl+Shift+V on Windows and Linux or Cmd+Shift+V on macOS)
Press Ctrl+Space (Windows, Linux, macOS) to see a list of Markdown snippets