Spam SavingSpam Saving is a VS Code extension that automatically saves your files after a short period of inactivity while coding. This helps prevent data loss and keeps your files up to date without needing to manually save them. This extension is created by Turki Alshehri @ferotaiten. Features
Screenshot How It Works
RequirementsThere are no external dependencies for this extension. It works with the default installation of Visual Studio Code. Extension SettingsAt the moment, the extension does not introduce new configuration settings. However, in future versions, we plan to add customization options such as:
Known IssuesCurrently, there are no major known issues. Please report any bugs you encounter on the GitHub Issues page. Release Notes1.0.0
Following extension guidelinesThis extension follows the best practices and guidelines for creating VS Code extensions. Working with MarkdownThis README file is written in Markdown. You can edit this document using Visual Studio Code. Some helpful shortcuts include:
For more informationFor more information about this extension or to contribute, please visit: Enjoy using Spam Saving and never lose unsaved work again! This extension is created by Turki Alshehri @ferotaiten. |