READMEThe main goal of the plugin is to create an environment to work with the Primate Framework. This plugin is self-contained will install files and dependencies for framework with itself. All the user needs to do is to activate the extension once to get the required dependencies to work. Please look at Contributing on how to start building and working. FeaturesThe main extension features revolves around setting up the proper environment for the primate toolchain to function and provide the development capacity for the same. The main facality is around organization and initialization of Environment and then providing a way to create new application with ready to run retargetable script. Initialization - Activity BarThis gives the main feature of providing with Organization - Activity BarOnce the user has followed the directions as provided per initialization and all dependencies are matched for making sure primate works, organization provides user to create a new application that would match the necessary naming convention (C++ name convention is followed). Autocomplete - Backend FeatureThe extension also contributes to the autocomplete feature that allows the user to develop code for specific primate requirements. The autocomplete extension are developed for C++ and Text file (that takes info from scala files on the basis of Code Outline). Most of the feature of the extension automatically determines the base OS and then uses it for the requirements as raised by various features, for ex. Dynamic Library extension, making sure that feature only executes when we are sure that we are inside Primate Apps folder only. Color Coding - Coding FeatureAs described by the Primate documentation, offloaded blue functional units as declared in the application code are color highlighted in the specific C++ documentation. Currently the support is offered for a single document as this is also what is supported by Primate application itself. How to build apps for primate appsThe result from organizing a project, at the root of folder (where you installed primate) you will get a script called BUILD_APP_$ which you can run directly and also create a VS-Code task for the same. RequirementsAs stated earlier, Primate Control Plugin can function itself without needing any new dependencies and if there are any, they are directly installed at the same time of installation of this plugin (technically after activation). However, Primate have the following dependencies:
Extension SettingsThe following are the extension settings that are visible:
Release NotesSee Release ScheduleThe needed content for release schedule is dependent on the quality (Analysis of speed, cost of solution), new features provided, bugfixes and others, but mostly would be dependent on the Primate Framework itself. Everytime there is an update to the main branch, we will release a vsix binary on our release page and will also be pushed to vscode marketplace automatically. TODO