Locale (defaults to current editor locale) for errors and hints
Children Without Relationships (enabled by default). Usually, when a family starts with a large number of siblings, it’s easy to overlook describing the branch of one of them. This feature will highlight all children who lack family connections, allowing you to check whether a person truly did not continue the lineage or if you simply forgot to describe their branch.
[x] Syntax highlighting for Markdown files preview
[x] Syntax highlighting (limited) with TextMate syntax for faster first time rendering
[x] Syntax highlight in md files inside fml or family code blocks
Syntax Example
James + Lily Evans =
Arthur + Molly? =
Fred and George - twins
Ronald and Harry Potter - best friends
In this example question marks after names shows that we don't remember maiden name of Molly and don't remember name of last child, only that it's a girl. Last two line shows relation between Fred and George, Ronald and Harry