A faster and fully support of google-java-format plugin.
Why service
In traditional implemention, JVM launching happens after .java files are saved. Launching JVM is a heavy and slow process during coding in VSCode.
Use a HTTP service to format code will gen a better experience than using JAR directly.
Extension Settings
gjfs.address : The endpoint of google-java-format-service. Default is localhost:8030 .
gjfs.style : Enum string value [GOOGLE , AOSP ]. The style name of google java format. Default is GOOGLE .
gjfs.skipSortingImports : Boolean value. Whether to fix the import order, but unused imports will still be removed. Default is true .
gjfs.skipRemovingUnusedImports : Boolean value. Whether to remove unused imports. Imports will still be sorted. Default is false .
To use this formatter as default one for java, do the following steps:
- Open any .java files in your workspace.
- Press
F1 , search Formatter Document .
- Set
google-java-format-service as the default Java foramtter tool.
Known Issues
Release Notes
First release.
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