Adds language support for 8051 microcontroller assembly, including documentation on hover, syntax highlighting and handy built in documentation.
Made as a part of my Engineering Thesis.
Built-in documentation
This extension includes a handy built in documentation to help you with writing programs. This also includes an documentation on hover.
Documenting your code!
Comments right above labels are turned into documentation that can be shown on hover.
Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following settings:
asm8051.maxNumberOfProblems : will control how many errors/warnings are shown (currently does nothing)
asm8051.trace.server : controls verbosity of server trace,
asm8051.kit : changes things that are included in microcontroller/development board
Known Issues
Opening "8051 Documentation" side panel too soon after launch may result in empty list.
Release Notes
- Fixed missing translations on server
- Disabled mnemonic validity checks, because of too many false positives
- Respecting "kit" setting
- Disabling documentation for DSM-51 if it's not a selected kit
- Disabling hovers for DSM-51 subprocedures if DSM-51 is not a selected kit
- Checking validity of mnemonics
- Translation updates
Amount of bytes on stack are now showed for DSM-51 subroutines
Used and changed registers are now showed for DSM-51 subroutines
fixed hover for DSM-51 subroutines
- Fixed script a documentation page script
- fixed parsing non-decimal numbers
Optimizing size of plugin
fixed failure to load documentation list in a sidebar
packaging language server with webpack
A lexer was added to improve parsing edited documents
Symbol user is hovering over is now resolved by a lexer
Documentation comments for labels are now being resolved by a lexer
Initial release:
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