READMEThis theme is currently in development, so don't expect much out of it. OverviewThis is a color theme for VS Code based on work and study I've done involving human vision. The name is given to the slightly off hue compared to "standard" colors. The pallet itself is largely based around photometric uniformity, and utilizes the bias in human perception to "weight" things. Because, within the palette, saturation and value are often not adjusted, the actual color only varies in hue. Human perception however is biased in acuity towards certain hues. The exact color chosen for any specific token is therefore based mostly around these human perceptual biases, although at rare times will resort to adjustments in saturation and value. AssumptionsThe palette used by this color theme makes some assumptions:
Every palette makes assumptions in order to work. After the "normal" palette is finished, I will consider doing palettes with the same spirit for deuteranomaly, deuteranopia, protanomaly, protanoptia, tritanomaly, and tritanopia. Achromatopsia is impossible to create a palette for, and so won't ever have considerations for under this project. |