Passive Aggressive Code Reviewer 💅✨
Get sassy, Gen Z-style code reviews powered by AI! This VS Code extension provides real-time code feedback with a fun, trendy twist. It's like having a TikTok-educated intern reviewing your code with attitude.

Features ✨
- Real-time code review as you type
- Sassy Gen Z-style feedback
- Support for JavaScript, TypeScript, and React
- Automatic detection of common code patterns
- Extra spicy comments about your code choices
- Powered by Groq AI for smart, contextual feedback
Examples 👀
Here's what you can expect:
// Your code:
var x = 1;
// The feedback:
"💀 bestie why u using var in 2025?? that's giving very much myspace era fr fr"
// Your React component:
const Component = () => {
const [data, setData] = useState()
// The feedback:
"bestie where's the typescript? ur component is giving major 'i live life on the edge' vibes 🎭"
Requirements 📋
Setup 🚀
- Install the extension from VS Code Marketplace
- Get your Groq API key from their console
- Add your API key in VS Code settings:
- Open Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P)
- Type "Preferences: Open Settings (UI)"
- Search for "Passive Aggressive Reviewer"
- Enter your Groq API key
Settings ⚙️
This extension contributes the following settings:
: Your Groq API key
: How judgmental should the reviews be?
- "mild" - For those who cry easily
- "sassy" - Standard level of judgment
- "absolutely-brutal" - Maximum emotional damage
Features in Detail 🔍
Automatic Code Review
The extension automatically reviews your code:
- When you open a file
- As you type (debounced)
- When you switch between files
Supported File Types
- JavaScript (.js)
- TypeScript (.ts)
- React (.jsx, .tsx)
What It Checks
- Code style and best practices
- React patterns and hooks usage
- TypeScript type safety
- Modern JavaScript features
- Common pitfalls and antipatterns
Privacy & Security 🔒
- Your code is sent to Groq AI for analysis
- Only the visible portion of your code is analyzed
- No code is stored or logged
- API keys are stored securely in VS Code settings
Known Issues 🐛
- Groq API may occasionally take a few seconds to respond
- Some memes might be too fresh to understand
- May cause excessive eye-rolling from senior developers
Contributing 🤝
Found a bug? Want to add more sass? Contributions are welcome!
- Fork the repository
- Create your feature branch
- Make your changes
- Submit a pull request
Release Notes 📝
- Initial release
- Basic code review functionality
- Gen Z sass engine activated
- Groq AI integration
Support 💖
If you're feeling emotional damage from the reviews, you can:
License 📄
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Made with 💅 by [Your Name] - because someone had to tell you about your code choices bestie