yo code
// ? What type of extension do you want to create? New Color Theme
// ? Do you want to import or convert an existing TextMate color theme? No, start fresh
// ? What's the name of your extension? Teste Theme
// ? What's the identifier of your extension? teste-theme
// ? What's the description of your extension? My first theme
// ? What's the name of your theme shown to the user? My First Theme
// ? Select a base theme: Dark
// ? Initialize a git repository? Yes
// ? Bundle the source code with webpack? No
// ? Which package manager to use? npm
// ? Do you want to open the new folder with Visual Studio Code? Open with 'code'
Now you have a theme project.
To test on your VSCode you need to paste the project on the extensions paste from VSCode.
On VSCode, press CTRL+K and CTRL+T and your theme will appears.