EditSage EditorEditSage is a full-featured HTML WYSIWYG editor. It also provides keyboard shortcuts for most of the editing features. EditSage uses TinyMce, a very stable and popular open-source editing engine trusted by organizations such as Microsoft, Shopify, NASA, and Atlassian. Automatically integrates with Grammarly Free and Paid Versions. Supports static site generators such as Hugo. Protects front matter and shortcode in the file. To open editor - open command palette (Ctrl+Shift+p) and type 'editsage'. Select 'Editsage Open' to open the editor. Ensure that you first open an html file and keep it in view.
Team FeaturesEditsage allows you to add annotate the content and add comments.
Opening and Navigating EditSageTo open EditSage Editor - open command palette (Ctrl+Shift+p) and type 'editsage'. Select 'Editsage Open' to open the editor. Ensure that you first open an html or a markdown file and keep it in view. Easy CustomizationFrom a large list of features, you can easily add or remove features that you need in your editor.
HelpOnce you open the Editor, click on 'Help' menu to view help. Help contains various keyboard shortcuts and keyboard navigation Known IssuesKnown Issues
Release Notes0.2.4
Please provide you feedback, so we can improve EditSage Future ReleaseWe plan to bring the following