Kuksa-IDEThe following documentation describes the Kuksa IDE, which is basically an extension of Eclipse Che to establish an end-to-end workflow in the Eclipse Kuksa ecosystem from the IDE via the Appstore and Hawkbit to the device. ScopeAs the In-Vehicle gateway can be run on different operating systems (Raspbian, AGL, Debian etc.) or hardware architectures (arm64 etc.), In-Vehicle applications will be provided in a generic way via docker images. Therefore, a build script allows to generate target-specific docker images. Based on a generated .yaml config file and a Python-based script, the resulting docker images can then be published to the app store and hawkbit respectively. This process is depicted in the following image: ArchitectureThe default IDE in Eclipse Che is Che-Theia [1]. Theia extensions is the original way to extend Theia. They are build-time extensions but they give you access to everything. User GuideThis section describes how to use the Kuksa IDE extension for publishing In-vehicle applications to the Kuksa appstore. PrerequisitesDocker
Create a daemon.json file in /etc/docker/ and add
Restart Docker daemon
QEMU user-static package
NodeJS and NPM
Python (atleast v3.6+)
Developer GuideThis section depict how to generate the vsix file based on source code. In this way, changes to the IDE can be be done. Generate .vsix file
Using Kuksa IDEOpen the command palette (View -> Command Palette / Ctrl+Shift+P) and search for "kuksa" Kuksa: Initialize Workspace
The project folder will be created inside the folder VSCode was open (by default the $HOME directory) Kuksa: Generate Docker Image
Kuksa: Configure Kuksa Environment(YAML)
Kuksa: Publish to AppStore
NoteIn OSX, if you are running into References[1] https://www.eclipse.org/che/extend/ Current Status
Work in progress