FeaturesThe max completion length is ~500 characters with whitespaces. The selection automatically expands to include the generated completion so if the completion is incomplete just keep hitting alt+a to generate more. On the other hand, if the completion runs too long it may start to improvise beyond the guidance of your original selection and you’ll want to trim it by hand. Selected text that ends in a '{' will generate a completion that runs until a '}' is reached, or the max completion length is reached. This is helpful for c-like syntax languages to get a complete function implementation. Selected text that ends in a ';' will generate a completion that runs until a ';' is reached, or the max completion length is reached. This is helpful for c-like syntax languages to get a single line completion. Keep hitting alt+a to get completions line-by-line. RequirementsYou must be on the Echodyne Corp. internal network to be able to use Buddy. Release Notes1.0.0Initial release. |