Early AI - Generate Tests - improve code quality
EarlyAI - Automatically Generate Validated and Verified Unit Tests to Improve Code Qualit.
1. Automatically Test Generation
With a single click, developers can generate functional tests directly within the IDE, utilizing Code Lens or the context menu for seamless integration.

2. IDE Integrated
Seamless Test Generation Directly from Your Code.

3. Earl
Your AI Test Engineer does all three: generating tests, analyzing code, and writing documentation.

4. Simple navigation
Developers can effortlessly navigate to newly generated tests to review and enhance them as needed.

5. High quality tests
EarlyAI produces comprehensive tests that include mocks and covers various scenarios, such as happy paths and edge cases, thereby improving code coverage and identifying potential bugs.

6. Increased coverage
Visualize the impact of your tests on code coverage and ensure your efforts are contributing to a more robust and reliable application.

See it in action
Visit our sample ToDo app in github
Test Frameworks
- Optiomized by using Jest and Mocha
- JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, React, Angular
Setup & Configuration
- Prerequisites
For an easy initial setup we recommend you go through our sample ToDo app in github first.
Before installing the extension, ensure you have the following prerequisites installed:
- VSCode (Version 1.88 and later)
- NodeJS
- Jest
- TypeScript
- ts-jest
You can install Jest and TypeScript typings via npm:
npm install --save-dev jest @types/jest ts-jest
Supported Test Frameworks
- Jest: This extension is currently optimized for generating unit tests with Jest.
- Search for EarlyAI on the Visual Studio Marketplace via the IDE or the Web and Install Early's extension
- Ensure that your project is set up with NodeJS and Jest.
- Configuration (Jest related)
You are ready to go if you have Jest configured and the above prerequisites installed! If not, please continue reading below for further setup instructions.
Configure Jest in your project to integrate with the extension. Below is an example of a typical Jest configuration suitable for TypeScript projects:
Filename is “jest.config.ts” and resides in the project's root folder.
import type { Config } from '@jest/types';
const config: Config.InitialOptions = {
preset: 'ts-jest',
testEnvironment: 'node',
rootDir: 'src',
testRegex: '.*\\.test\\.ts$',
moduleNameMapper: {
"^@src/(.*)$": "<rootDir>/$1"
collectCoverageFrom: ["./**/*.(t|j)s"]
export default config;
Important Configuration Parameters:
- testEnvironment: Specifies the environment in which the tests are executed
- testRegex: make sure you have 'test" in the regex. for example if you currently have 'spec' you need to change it to something like
testRegex: ".*\\.(test)|(spec)\\.ts$"};
- ModuleNameMapper: If you have path aliases in tsconfig.json, identify them under compilerOptions.paths. Then, add matching regex patterns to moduleNameMapper in your Jest config to mirror the aliases, using to map them to their corresponding directories, like this:
Ensure your Jest configuration is properly set up to work with TypeScript and the paths align with your project structure.
Local development
npm run start:watch
Go to Run and Debug panel in vscode and run "Watch Extension" tasks:
Remote Server installation (remote machine)
- Decicde on which remote server you would like to use, in order to access our "test" ubuntu remote server talk to Lior.
- Follow steps from this guide https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/ssh-tutorial and establish ssh connection with remote server
- Pack vscode extension using
npm run vscode:pack
- Install extension using "Install from VSIX..."