Dwarvesforge WP-Stack SnippetsWordpress stack that gives you nice classes as wrapper of the wordpress ones as well as some nice helper functions. This extension gives you access to snippets for all the WP-Stack functions like:
Publishing the extension
ContributeDwarvesforge is an open source project and will ever be! You are more that welcomed to contribute to his development and make it more awesome every day. To do so, you have several possibilities: LicenseThe code is available under the MIT license. This mean that you can use, modify, or do whatever you want with it. This mean also that it is shipped to you for free, so don't be a hater and if you find some issues, etc... feel free to contribute instead of sharing your frustrations on social networks like an asshole... Who are DwarvesforgeWe try to be some cool guys that build some cool tools to make our (and yours hopefully) every day life better. More on who we are |