Dependency Graph Tool in Augmented Reality (DGT-AR),a visualization tool that supports change impact analysis by allowing developers to interact with a code dependency graph in immersive AR. DGT-AR uses the node-link diagram visualization technique to provide an overview of the dependencies in a software system. App overviewDGT-AR is a visualization tool that comprises three essential components. To gain a comprehensive understanding of the entire system, please visit the following GitHub repository DGT-AR. The VS Code facilitates remote interactions with the graph visuazation in the AR APP. VS Code extension installationBefore proceeding with the installation, please ensure that you have the required versions of Vs Code and Node.js installed, as specified at the beginning. Once you have verified the versions, you can proceed with the installation process.To install the VS Code Extension, start by cloning this repository onto your computer. Then, navigate to the root folder and execute the following command:
Running the VS Code extensionAfter successfully installing the VS Code extension, proceed by pressing InteractionsEn proceso... TechStack