chatd2c README智能前端生成助手是一款将设计稿快速转为前端代码的产品。 解决问题:降低设计与开发沟通协作成本、减少前端编码工作、沉淀标准组件、支持多个前端框架 支持一键转前端代码: pc端表单、表格页 pc大屏端图表、复杂页面 移动端表单、表格页 FeaturesDescribe specific features of your extension including screenshots of your extension in action. Image paths are relative to this README file. Release NotesUsers appreciate release notes as you update your extension. 0.0.1test ... Following extension guidelinesEnsure that you've read through the extensions guidelines and follow the best practices for creating your extension. For more informationEnjoy! |