Records daily changes of files in the working project directory.
Create a directory or file recursively inside the working project directory.
Diff of two files with ease.
How to use the extension
Open recorded history from Nadi icon in the sidebar.
Open the Command Palette via the shortcut specific to your OS:
on OSX: Press ⌃⌥N (aka CONTROL+OPTION+N) to create file or press ⌃⌥F (aka CONTROL+OPTION+F) to create folder recursively
on Windows: Press Ctrl+Alt+N to create file or press Ctrl+Alt+F to create folder recursively
Right-click on a file or folder in explorer and select "NADI History: Ignore File/Folder" to select a file or folder to ignore from the historical recording.
Diff of two files:
Right-click the file in explorer, and select "NADI: Add file to compare" to define your first file to be compared.
Right-click the file in explorer, and select "NADI: Do compare" to determine your second file as well as process the comparison.
NADI: Create File
Create file recursively inside working directory.
NADI: Create Folder
Create folder recursively inside working directory.
Output samples
View Recorded File Changes.
Create File/Folder Recursively.
Add the ".git" folder to be ignored automatically by the history recorder.