This extension puts handy shortcuts and abbreviated p5 documentation right at your fingertips as you write p5.js in Visual Studio Code.
All of the documentation is based on the references provided by p5.js.
Open VS Code command palette (F1 key) and type:
Create a standard p5.js project
This command allows to create a local or hosted version of a p5.js project that include index.html and sketch.js files.
Create a standard p5.js sound project
This command allows to create a local or hosted version of p5.js and p5.js sound project that include index.html and sketch.js files.
Open p5.js online editor
This command opens the online p5.js editor in your default browser
The extension also has custom snippets. To use them, start typing p5-, for example, p5-blue would yield 0, 0, 255.
It also includes references from the original p5 documentation. It allows for autocompletion as well as highlighting for more information about the value.