TimeCoder is a VS Code extension designed to boost your productivity while coding. It features a stopwatch to track how long you take to solve problems or complete tasks, and a Pomodoro timer to challenge yourself to finish tasks within a set time — all wrapped in a visually appealing UI.
Launch VS Code Quick Open (Ctrl+P), paste the following command, and press enter.
Time Coder is a Visual Studio Code extension designed to help developers track their time efficiently using a Stopwatch and a Pomodoro Timer. This extension provides an intuitive way to measure time spent on tasks, track sessions, and improve productivity with various features.
Stopwatch Mode ⏱: Measure elapsed time with a start, pause, and reset function.
Pomodoro Timer Mode ⏰: Focus on tasks using the Pomodoro technique with customizable durations.
Session Tracking 📊: Records session history to help analyze time spent on coding.
Status Bar Integration 📌: Displays real-time time tracking updates directly in the status bar.
Webview Panel Support 🌐: Provides an interactive UI for managing timers.
Sidebar Panel 📂: Access Stopwatch and Pomodoro timers through a dedicated sidebar UI.
Shortcut Commands 🚀: Easily control the timers with VS Code commands.
🏆 Fortune Message Feature
Fortune Messages: Before starting a task, users are greeted with a random motivational or insightful message in the sidebar, enhancing focus and positivity.
Enhanced User Experience: Helps users start their work with a positive mindset and motivation.
Dynamic Display: The message updates regularly, adding an engaging element to time management
Open Visual Studio Code.
Navigate to the Extensions Marketplace (Ctrl + Shift + X or Cmd + Shift + X on macOS).
Search for Time Coder.
Click Install and reload VS Code if necessary.
Start the Stopwatch
Click on the Stopwatch button in the status bar or sidebar.
Click ▶ to start, ⏸ to pause, and 🔄 to reset.
Time updates will be shown in the status bar and sidebar.
Start the Pomodoro Timer
Click on the Pomodoro button in the status bar or sidebar.
Click ▶ to start, ⏸ to pause, and 🔄 to reset.
Adjust the timer using ⏬ (Decrease) and ⏫ (Increase).
When the timer completes, an alert will notify you.
Switch Between Modes
Click on the Clock Emojis in the status bar or sidebar ( ⏰/⏱/⏳ ) to toggle between Session Timer, Stopwatch and Pomodoro.
Sidebar UI
The extension includes a dedicated Sidebar Panel for enhanced usability. The sidebar consists of:
Timer Display: Shows the current time for Stopwatch, Pomodoro, and Session tracker.
Control Buttons: Start, pause, reset, increase, and decrease time options.
Mode Toggle: Easily switch between Session Tracker, Stopwatch, and Pomodoro directly from the sidebar.
Session History: View past sessions for tracking productivity.
Switch between Stopwatch and Pomodoro mode
Start or pause the current timer
Reset the active timer
Increase Pomodoro duration
Decrease Pomodoro duration
Open the detailed time tracking dashboard
You can access these commands via Command Palette (Ctrl + Shift + P or Cmd + Shift + P).
We welcome contributions! Feel free to submit issues, feature requests, or pull requests to improve the extension.
Fork the repository.
Create a new branch.
Make changes and commit.
Submit a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.