AoE XS ScriptingFeaturesThis extension enables
XS Scripts are External Subroutines used by the games AoE2, AoE3 and AoM Example:
Release Notes1.0.16Fixed a typo-ed constant name 1.0.15Added functions and constants that were missed in the DLC update 1.0.14Added new constants from release 1.0.13Fixed another auto complete typo 1.0.12Fixed some auto complete typos 1.0.11Added new constants from the pup 1.0.10Added new read/write functions from the update 1.0.9Added & Renamed constants from the update 1.0.8Fixed a problem in string detection 1.0.7Updated usages for 5 keywords 1.0.6Fixed Typo in RNG functions 1.0.5Added new RNG functions 1.0.4Fixed Spelling Error in 1.0.3Improved docstring for function xsAddRuntimeEvent 1.0.2Added two missing constants 1.0.1Minor bugfix with function completion 1.0.0Major update with tons of new features: Semantic Highlighting for parameters and constants Better docstrings on hover, now dynamic! Better code completion suggestions, now dynamic! check the changelog! 0.0.3Fixed xsEffectAmount auto-completion not working as intended. 0.0.2Added Missing Constants and in built functions are now highlighted differently from user defined functions. 0.0.1Currently, only the functions and features of XS implemented by AoE2DE are supported in auto completion. |