Syntax Snipp - Quick Guide
Welcome to Syntax Snipp, your go-to tool for managing reusable code snippets. Here's how to get started:
Access your snippets via the Command Palette:
- Login Via pop up OR
- Press
Ctrl+Shift+P (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+Shift+P (macOS).
- Type
Syntax Snipp: Login and select it.
Create Snippet
Save code snippets easily:
- Right-click in the editor and select
Create Snippet .
- or use the Command Palette >
Syntax Snipp: Create Snippet .
Get Snippet
Retrieve saved snippets:
- Right-click in the editor and select
Get Snippet .
- or open the Command Palette >
Syntax Snipp: Get Snippet .
Update Snippet
Modify existing snippets:
- Open the Command Palette >
Syntax Snipp: Update Snippet .
Securely log out:
- Use the Command Palette >
Syntax Snipp: Logout .
Right Click to :
- quickly access
Create Snippet and Get Snippet .
Happy Coding!
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