MMT Extranet Git Commands
This extension combines git commands to avoid mistakes in handling git.
The commands are described below:
MMT: Git Create Commit and Push
git add .
git commit -m your message
git push origin HEAD:refs/for/your current branch
MMT: Git Amend Commit And Push
git add .
git commit --amend
git push origin HEAD:refs/for/your current branch
MMT: Git Create MR With Integration And Push
git checkout integartion
git reset --hard origin/fb_integration
git pull --rebase
git merge origin/your current branch --no-ff --no-commit
git commit
git push origin HEAD:refs/for/fb_integration
MMT: Git Create MR With Release And Push
git checkout integartion
git reset --hard origin/release
git pull --rebase
git merge origin/your current branch --no-ff --no-commit
git commit
git push origin HEAD:refs/for/fb_integration
MMT: Find Console logs
Run it before staging all the changes.
Finds 'console' word in all the unstaged files. Then open those files in your workspace.
Release Notes
Keeping main commands, removing extra features
Open to suggestions and requests